31 trips around the sun
How wild is it that I always assumed “once you’re 30, you’ve got it all figured out and it’s probably super boring from there.” L O L. I won’t pretend I have anything figured out in the slightest, but I can say with full confidence I’ve never been in a better place. I’m more aware, present and sure of myself than ever. My family, career, confidence and outlook on life are in a place I never could have imagined, and for that, I’m immensely grateful.
a few lessons I’ve learned along the way…
1: Inner peace isn’t based on your outer circumstances.
2: Mental health is health.
3: Unplug as often as possible. Your presence in little moments make for big memories. Technology is great, but being present is even better.
4: Stop explaining yourself. I spent a lot of time feeling like I needed to explain my decisions. Your job, parenting style, budget, outfit choices and weekend plans are your decisions to make. Not everyone will understand it and that’s okay!
5: Stop explaining other people. “That’s who she is” and “they aren’t that bad” or “you just have to know them” are excuses. If you have to explain them, they aren’t your people.
6: Girl, wash your face. Oh, and wear sunscreen.
7: Quality over quantity. Top tier when it comes to food, friends and hair extensions.

8: Family comes in many forms. The individuals that continually show up, without reservation or keeping score… those are your people.
9: Shut the fck up. My favorite people say little and listen 100%. I wish I had this quality – I never shut up. You learn so much about others when you just listen. Stop planning your next sentence. just listen.
10: You can’t appreciate the really great times without the really crappy ones, too.
11: It was never *that* serious. You were probably overthinking it. In the grand scheme of things, no one really cares.
12: Timing is never right. Do it anyways.
13: You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.
14: You won’t ever regret building up someone else. As someone that struggled with confidence, direction and purpose for many years, I live for dropping nuggets of affirmation for others. No matter who you are, we all love to hear “girl, you’re doing great!”

15: Take the photos. Literally, all the photos. Delete later, but you’ll regret not taking them… for the most part. 🙂
16: Communicate your expectations from the get-go.
17: Most people don’t deserve access to your energy.
18: Travel, and travel often.
19: What Sue says about Sally says a lot more about Sue than Sally. I look back and cringe about the times that gossip and hateful conversations were excused as “girl talk.” Putting down others doesn’t make you better, happier or more advanced. This is such a toxic trait and something I lived in when I was my least happy and most insecure. Instead of partaking in a mean-spirited conversation, invest time in getting to the bottom of your insecurities.
20: Investing in experiences over “things” is always a safe bet.
21: You are more than your title. Wife and “mama” are amazing, but you’re more than those (beautiful) titles. Don’t bottle up who or what you are for the title that you presume is defining you.

22: Sometimes people just want to dislike you. Usually, it’s not about you. Don’t take their desires personally. It’s them, not you.
23: Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.
24: Finding your purpose and passion in life changes your mentality.
25: Be yourself. Wear lots of makeup. Don’t fix your hair. Wear rainbow hair. Plan over-the-top birthday parties. Get your kids fast food. Be the odd man out. You’ll be so much happier and free when you stop feeling limited to what other “think” you should be. Your authenticity shows.
26: You’ll probably regret the early nights. Weird in theory, but I can 10/10 recommend the nights I went and lived life vs. calling it an early night.
27: We only see what people want to show us on social media.
28: Utilize your village. People that truly love you don’t want to see you struggle, and you aren’t a failure for recognizing that you need a hand.
29: It’s okay to be on a totally different timeline than others.
30: Don’t dim your light becuase others think it’s too bright.
31: Age, confidence and happiness is a mindset. As much as I joke about getting older sucking, I love where I am thanks to the experiences I’ve had in my 31 years. I’m genuinely happier, more confident and more secure than I was a few years, months or weeks ago.

I’m so,so grateful to have you here. Thank you, thank you for sharing in the past few years with me and allowing me to play a small role in your lives, too! I’m beyond thankful for each of you helping make life so fun for these 31 trips around the sun.