
weekend ideas

establish details

start with a list of attendees and nail down your details from here. establish budget, location and available dates for the group before you get too far into planning! 

wig party

hear me out - wig parties are all the rage. have each person order a different color wig (super affordable ones linked!) and dress head to toe in that color for a fun night out! 

where to stay

weigh your options here. if you'll be at the house more often than away, maybe it's worth the splurge. if not, budget on your hotel and splurge on the experiences! 

winery visit

regardless of your drink preference, visiting a winery or distillery is a super fun option for the group! there are usually snacks and fun photo ops too, which is great for the non-drinkers in your group.  

diy jewelry

let your gals build their own pieces for the day of the wedding! kendra scott is the best for having matching stones but letting you pick your own pieces. 

wine labels

I put together a spreadsheet for the group to get their preferences on wine flavors so I could add each to the welcome baskets for the bridesmaids! how fun are these labels? personalize as needed once you purchase the template! 

build bouquets

This is SO fun to do with your bridesmaids to get an idea for arrangements! It's a good way to let everyone put their spin on a bridal shower or even get ideas for wedding arrangements! 

visit the selfie museum! it's a fun way to get some photos with your girls and let everyone really get to know each other. linking my guide here!

selfie museum

ready to plan?

rounding up my entire bachelorette party notes here for y'all!