Take this on room by room. Beyond that, break each space down into a smaller entity to make it less overwhelming.

in the home

On your phone

I’m a digital hoarder. Clear out apps you aren't actually using. Offload and organize your pictures with Google Photos and only keep the “necessities” on hand.

kids room

Start by grabbing boxes and loading up everything you want to donate. Items that you’re keeping can be grouped into totes, bins or boxes with a label for what goes where. If your little ones can’t read, use clip art photos to label your bins.

pantry / kitchen

Grab bins to label snacks, drink mixes, juice pouches and so on. Clean out expired items, box up and donate items you won’t use and don’t move onto another area until you finish that space.


Start by cleaning out everything you don’t need. How much of your paper can be scanned into a digital file to make physical room in your office? The little folder icon on your desktop takes up way less space and it’ll be much easier to find!


Keep like items together. Use the same color hangers for those items. All dresses go on white hangers, blazers on black hangers and seasonal items on colored hangers. I’m quick to give into clutter, but this method really helps me maintain order.

head to my new blog post for a full roundup on top tips for spring cleaning!

needing more info?