toddler toys

a few of our amazon favorites

bubble builders

This set is great if you're looking for something to entertain little ones for hours. My husband and I usually join in!  It's a great set for fun + education. 

doodle tablets

these are super basic but entertain our kiddos for hours. it's been really useful in practicing writing letters and numbers, too. 

personalized puzzle

Brax is learning about letters and spelling his name, so this has been a fun tool to continue practicing at home! 

3d puzzles

Our little ones love these wooden 3D puzzles! They're fun and a little more challenging than a standard flat puzzle. 

puzzle pack

this puzzle set comes as a pack and is great for beginners! my boys started with these and it really helped their understanding of puzzle pieces! 

busy book 

you can count on your little ones being occupied for hours with this set. we always love when the kiddos are into educational toys, so this one is a winner for us!