Taking on 2019

So I know we’re mid-way through January, but I’m finally getting around to setting a few goals for myself for the year. Maybe timeliness is one I should add to the list… but better late than never, right?? I’m not really big on using the term “resolutions” because I just think it’s easy to join in on the trend of setting one at the beginning of the year and forgetting about it once the hype of resolutions dies down. Anywhoo, I wanted to come share a few of mine with y’all in hopes of holding each other a bit more accountable.

Don’t let others impact my emotions

I’ve heard a million times “you’re the only one that controls how you feel.” While I love the thought of that, I can also admit to being a very reactive person and feeling quick to an emotion based on something another person says or does. I’m really making a goal for myself this year to own my emotions and reactions.

Be present in every moment

It’s super cliché, but I blinked and my Braxton bear is about to be a year old. I get so caught up in making sure I get photos posted at a certain time, building new widgets for my website or easily spending an hour perfecting a few photos that I unintentionally miss out on little moments I’ll never be able to re-experience. My goal moving forward is to dedicate my time after he goes to bed or during nap time to knocking out blog, photo and website content. This is honestly something I could spend days working through and barely make a dent in my pile of to-do’s… but I’m just so thankful for a hubby that will hold me accountable to being the most present and in the moment.

Keeping it real on social media

I think my previous goal goes hand-in-hand with this. I don’t want to spend hours thinking through a story to share with y’all when I could pop on in the middle of making dinner, baby on hip, and tell y’all how excited I am about the new taco soup recipe I’m making. Glimpses of the un-glamorous, makeup-free me running to get a spray tan so y’all see the drastic before and after transformation. Ideas that run through my brain and could be a total flop, but sharing them because they might inspire someone else. You get the gist. There’s just so much out there on social media that makes you lust after a different lifestyle – I’m so guilty of it, too! Just remember, people tend to show their very best moments on social media, rightfully so. I hope this year I can break that barrier down and share some of my mediocre days, low moments and everything in between to keep it as real as possible around here. 😊

I have so many more ideas spinning around for goals I would love to accomplish, but in light of wanting to give thorough attention to each of them, this is where I’m going to start. I also think positive changes like this will lead to other “goals” being accomplished without even setting them. So excited to have y’all along for this journey! Did you set any goals this year?

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